- Ultraman Mebius (ウルトラマンメビウス Urutoraman Mebiusu?) - Rookie of the space garrison who came to the earth after being told to protect it by Ultra Father. He became a human named Mirai Hibino. He uses the Mebius Brace and the call of "Mebius!" to change into his true Ultra form. When he was younger, Ultraman Taro personally taught him how to fight. He prevented Dino Zaur's attack using buildings as a shield in Episode 1. Due to this, the city was nearly destroyed in the first episode, and Ryu berated him for this. On his way to Earth, he encountered a ship that was being swallowed by the Ultra Zone. Hiroto Ban, his father and crew were in this ship. Hiroto Ban tried to help his father and crew escape, despite his best efforts, the container which held Hiroto was swallowed completely, and the Ultra Zone then disappeared. Mebius was touched by Hiroto's actions and took his human form as his disguise. At first, Tetsuro was perplexed by this but eventually let Mebius use his son's form.
- Transform Item
- Mebius Brace (メビウスブレス Mebiusu Buresu?) - By shouting "Mebius!" and sliding his hand over the Fire Core, Mirai becomes Ultraman Mebius, his true form. While in the field, Mirai can materilize and fire a beam cutter by charging some energy from the Fire Core. He can also use Defence Circle wile Mebius Brace materilize. He received the Mebius Brace from Ultra Father so that he would be able to live as a human and protect the earth.
- Finisher
- Mebium Shoot: Plus style attack. It is unknown how powerful this attack is exactly when compared to other Ultra brother's primary weapons, though it can be said that it is more powerful than the Specium Ray or Metallium Ray, having destroyed Alien Guts when a combined Specium and Wide shot did not. It barely took a small chunk out of Imperizer, unlike Taro's Storium Beam, which obliterated Imperizer till only it's legs were left standing, however, in the movie, the Mebium Shoot killed Alien Temperor, which the Storium failed to do so in Taro's time. It also seems that Mebium Shoot grants Mebius a temporary shield. It protected him in Ultraman Mebius and Ultra Brothers, against Alien Temperor's beam, and in Episode 32 of the series. However it is possible the shield takes only few hits, as he did not want to risk it when he tried to shoot Yapool from underneath.
- Mebium Blade
- Lightning Counter-Zero: Mebius crossed his arm like defending himself, then uses his arm to spin Mebius Brace's fire core, then it charges with fire for a few moments then,
- 1) Mebius punches the enemy with a fire pillar to totally desentagrate them.
- 2) He shoots a string of infinity beam chains.
- 3) In Fighting Evolution 0, It becomes a super punch.
- Mebium Dynamite: Similar like Taro's Ultra Dynamite. But instead of blowing to pieces, this one blows up Mebius and the victim till there's nothing left.
- Other Technique
- Mebius Punch
- Mebius Kick
- Mebium Slash
- Defense Circle -Square with 2 infinty symbol crossing one another alternately
- Lightning Counter
- Mebium Pinger
- Defense Dome-Used in the Ultra Brothers movie to block Temperor's electrical hit
- Dataization of the Body
- Ryusei (Shooting star) Kick: Similar like Jack's Ryusei Kick. Used against Zetton.
- Teleportation
- Mebium Spin Kick
- Combine Technique with Ultraseven
- Emerium Mebium Shoot: This is not an official name. A official name is unknown.
- Mebius Brave (メビウスブレイブ Mebiusu Bureibu?) - Makes its first appearance in episode 18. By using the Knight Brace left to him by Ultraman Hikari, he was able to reach this new form. This form looks the same as his basic form save for the fact that it has a gold "V" line running along the chest and arms. In episode 35, since the Knight Brace was returned to Hikari, Mebius lost the ability to use this form.
- Mebius-Knight Brace (メビウスナイトブレス Mebiusu Naito Buresu?)
- Light Blade Technique
- Mebium Knight Blade- Blade Overload (Extend blade length to slash enemy)
- Mebium Knight Blade- BashiBlade Attack (Creates an infinity symbol and fires it like a projectile)
- Mebium Knight Blade- Spin Blade Attack (Spin like a helicopter)
- Mebium Knight Blade- ActiBlade Attack (?)
- Mebium Knight Blade- Blade Shoot (Fires a beam from the blade)
- Mebium Knight Blade- Blade Slash (Concentrate energy at moment of slash)